Aan Being Adventurous

Assalamualaikum, world.

I have not written a blog post for months. I get the urge to write again because I have trouble sleeping. I have so many thoughts overloading my brain. Itu waktu malam. Waktu siang aku rasa aku macam susah bekerja, haha. Semua input waktu meeting aku rasa macam angin lalu. Am I being too saturated with life's circumstances sampai tak cukup ruang untuk benda baru masuk? This is the use case for having a good companionship to share your thoughts and feelings. I already talked to my mom and my best friend, Diana. Hahhaa, but the storm inside my brain is not subsiding yet. So here are the things happening to me recently in April.

Aku accident haritu. Kereta yang aku sayang rosak.

Poor Xiao Bai

Itu je masalah aku. Hahaha. Siapa je yang tak sayang kereta sendiri? Tapi, apalah sangat masalah aku kalau dibandingkan dengan masalah-masalah maha besar orang-orang sekitar aku. Colleague aku baru meninggal sebab cancer. My circle's friend ada yang masih menganggur. Kawan sekolah aku dah 10 tahun kahwin masih tak ada anak. 

Mungkin bagi orang lain masalah aku ni cuma takat serpihan ayam terselit celah gigi je. Why should I be super upset about this? Others got it way worse. People might be thinking that I'm gaslighting myself. Which I probably am. Everything that we own is not actually ours. Semua pinjaman tuhan. 

Btw, bila Allah tarik something, Allah akan bagi balik something. Adakah ini yang orang panggil setiap kejadian ada hikmahnya? Hahaha. Ada orang yang bernama Aiman telah tumpangkan aku balik rumah. Mungkin bagi dia ini pertolongan kecik je. Tapi bagi orang macam aku yang dah bertahun brainwash diri 'You are not worthy of someone else's kindness', this is a humongous blessing. Sampai rumah, aku telefon mak aku bagitau ada orang tolong and suruh mak aku doakan Aiman tu murah rezeki hahaha. Semoga murah rezeki orang yang tolong.

For the past few days, I've been taking public transportation!

The top floor of the bus' view.

Bangga tak? I learned new stuff: reading the LRT and MRT directions/signages. I even took exchange stations. A lot of my colleagues are taking LRT but from the place that I stay, we only have Rapid KL buses. Last Sunday, I took the bus, the LRT, and the MRT to MyTown Cheras.

Sadly, there are still guys who can't read the sign.

Went to buy a duvet because it's been raining lately so kinda cold at night. Also, I want to try eating Gelato. So, I went to the new shopping mall, the TRX and bought 2 scoops of Paolo Paolo Gelato. Dari segi rasa, tak ada beza sangat dengan aiskrim. Cuma teksturnya agak lain, kau boleh bayangkan kau makan kentang putar yang sejuk? Macam itulah rasanya. Tapi harganya lebih mahal daripada aiskrim Inside Scoop.

Sebenarnya, adakah aku kufur nikmat dengan memilih untuk naik pengangkutan awam berbanding naik Grab atau sewa kereta?

I've been saving a lot of my money lately for an Umrah trip with my mom, and also for the Vietnam-China trip this November with my high school's hostel friend. I can afford to rent a car for a month actually. But in doing so, I won't be able to allocate money for my investment needs. Aku cuma takut orang fikir aku terlalu kedekut untuk diri. Kenapa aku sampai taku apa orang fikir? Damn, I am still emotionally scarred from my past.

Okaylah. Until next time. Bye. Assalamualaikum.